Barron will preach this Sunday from Isaiah 9: 1-7 and Matthew 1: 18-25, on the names of Jesus, prophesied and commanded. His
sermon title will be “What’s In A Name?”
We plan to meet as scheduled tomorrow unless weather conditions are
worse than presently forecasted. The Session will make a determination
during the 8:00 hour and send out an email blast if we need to postpone
or cancel.
Annual NGC/Woodlands Carol
Sing December 9
We will join together with our Woodlands friends for a Christmas Carol sing this Sunday, December 9, at 4:00 p.m. in the Camellia Room. Following the sing, we will share refreshments in the Orchid Room. If you haven’t yet volunteered to bring snacks to share, please contact Brent Butterfield, 207-832-4057.
Next Discussion Time December 16
On Sunday,
December 16, we
will have our
monthly Church
Discussion time.
The article that
will be our focus
for the time is by
Lowell A. Ivey and
is entitled “Local
Proclamation” It
is found on page
70 of the November
If you do not have
the Tabletalk,
there are copies
on the table at
the back of the
sanctuary. We will
meet at the home
of Billy and Sissy
Barron, 5 Winsford
Dr., Greenville.
Dorcas Ministry Collection December 16 For The Piedmont Women’s Center
The Dorcas Ministry focus for December is for The Piedmont Women’s Center. We will receive monetary donations on December 16th. We will be participating in their “Baby Bottle Fund Raiser.” Be sure to get your bottles on the table in the back.
Church Nursery Volunteers Sought
The church now offers a nursery for children from infancy through age 3 during morning worship. It is the intention of the Session to provide nursery attendants from congregational volunteers on a rotating schedule. If you will agree to assist, please contact Pastor Barron.
Catechism Corner
Q. 183. For whom are we to pray?
A. We
are to pray for the whole church of Christ upon earth; for magistrates,
and ministers; for ourselves, our brethren, yea, our enemies; and for
all sorts of men living, or that shall live hereafter; but not for the
dead, nor for those that are known to have sinned the sin unto death.
Tabletalk Moment
At The Tomb Of Jesus:
The Old Testament clearly predicts the death and resurrection of the
Messiah, but apart from faith in Christ, the full import of these
prophecies will remain hidden. But when we trust in Christ, we more and
more understand that He is proclaimed on every page of the Bible. We
must invite people to believe in Jesus so that they can understand the
Scriptures as well.
Magazine, December 5, page 37).
Looking Ahead: The focus of January Tabletalk is
the Synod of Dort, which took place 400 years ago. A few decades before
the Westminster Confession was written, the Synod produced the Canons
of Dort, which together with the Belgic Confession and the Heidelberg
Catechism, comprise the Three Forms of Unity affirmed by confessing
Reformed churches through the subsequent centuries. Our January
discussion time gathering will consider one of the articles written
about Dort in the January Tabletalk. January copies will be available
next Sunday.
Short Items
Wednesday Prayer/Bible Study: We will continue our Wednesday night activities, moving into Romans 9:19. We will learn from Paul who the authentic “Israel of God” is.
Sunday School: This Sunday at 9:30am in the Camellia Room, we will study 1 Timothy 2 from the ARP Adult Quarterly. Our topic for Sunday will be, “Go Forward In Prayer.” We will see the types of prayers we are to offer and for whom, and who acts on these prayers.We will also encounter a difficult passage within this chapter, particularly in our time, about the role of women in the church.
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