Distinctives Of Reformed Churches Study Series: Part 1, Lesson 2

The second lesson, “Distinctives of North Greenville Church,” part of North Greenville Church’s study series, will be presented Wednesday, March 12, at 6:00 pm and repeated Thursday, March 13 at 2:00 pm in the church fellowship hall, 2120 Roe Ford Rd. in Travelers Rest.

What guides the worship and work of North Greenville Church? Is it some system contained in the Bible? Is it tradition? Is it the pastor alone, or the preferences of the members?

The teacher is the Rev. David Huffman, presenting a 35-minute teaching time, followed by a 10-15-minute Q&A. Handouts will be provided. An annotated bibliography will be available for aiding further study.

What’s in it for you?

Where do you find answers to the challenges of modern life and culture? Could it be that the faith of our fathers, if restored, would bring revivals of Christian virtues and institutions, such as marriage, the family and peace with God. Let’s see how–this may be a series for you to check out. You will receive a warm welcome!

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