NGC First Missions Sunday: January 9

We welcome Dr. Kent Martin and his wife Peggy, who are with us today to teach us about Rafiki Foundation. They are recently retired missionaries with Rafiki, now living in Franklin, NC. We also welcome Dr. Breno Macedo, preaching to us during morning worship. A native of Brazil, Dr. Macedo earned an electronic engineering degree, … [Read more…]

Tabletalk Magazine Discussion on Paedobaptism Article

North Greenville Church has published an audio file of a discussion, moderated by Pastor Barron, of an article in April 2020 Tabletalk Magazine, entitled “Paedobaptism.” It covers the purpose and nature of sacraments and baptism, aspects of paedobaptism, covenant baptism, and credobaptism. Adherents to paedobaptim also embrace credobaptism for new believers. It explores common factors … [Read more…]

‘What Shall I Do With Jesus?’

This is a question for the ages. During this time of pandemic, isolation, uncertainty and fear, the question should be addressed by all people. The title question was uttered originally by Pontius Pilate at the arraignment of our Lord after His arrest: Pilate said to them, “Then what shall I do with Jesus who is … [Read more…]